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An offer for investors 

How is the incubator functioning now?

Today, the incubator is developing rapidly: about ten people join us every day, and the list of our projects and collaborations is regularly updated.

Check out what has already been done by the incubator


Who is our audience?

Cinema is creativity, art created by a group of people, and its goal is not always material gain. Like any other art, it is not always created for commercial purposes.

Each participant of the incubator, working on a new project, wants to unleash their creative potential, finances play a secondary role: they are the last to be thought about. However, if the project has started to make a profit, everyone should earn: both the producer and the team members.


Our incubator consists of specialists of various levels: from students to professionals. Even a famous Hollywood personality can join the project.

What do we provide?

There are professionals in our community whose skills and abilities allow us to create high-level and unique projects. Such cooperation is mutually beneficial, and this is what we provide in return:

  1. Resources for portfolio replenishment and career growth.

  2. The opportunity to participate in festival projects where you can prove yourself
    and work with famous names in the industry.

  3. A favorable environment for effective networking: an excellent tool for expanding professional connections and sharing experiences, allowing you to create unique creative collaborations.

  4. Finally, the opportunity to change the world through our documentaries and short films. Cinema has a huge impact on the viewer, and every expert can contribute to changing the world for the better.

In addition to professionals, we have students who come for training, new skills and portfolio replenishment:

the incubator has all the conditions and complete freedom of action for this, everything depends only on them.

We only expect help and interest from you

As a rule, tuition at any institute is paid: it is paid by the foundation, the state, or the student himself. In any case, it is very expensive. In the incubator, the tuition fee is the assistance provided by the student during the internship on our projects.

But only a small part of the student colleagues bring real benefits to DK FILMS, and in order to find this small percentage of talent, we train and work with those who are interested in it.

There is a category of people who are more used to imitating a workflow than to really try and invest efforts.: as a rule, such people leave DK FILMS on their own,

and as a result, we still have a friendly team of A-class players.


The interaction system is designed so that at daily conferences each participant provides a tangible and visible result.  Those who are interested in achievements and progress remain with us:

In the future, such students become specialists and make a significant contribution to the work of the incubator.

In online schools
and institutes

✕  Theory takes up most of the time

Students apply their knowledge in practice only once, by creating a semi-professional a job in the last year.

✕  Paid practice

      To implement, they have to invest personal money, and when the job is created, it it is of interest only for the portfolio
        the student himself.

✕  Lack of opportunity to start
        practice after graduation

    After graduation, as a rule, no opportunities to start a practice, even for free and at the lowest level. Very rare, if after graduation a person goes to work on Specialties: beginner specialists nowhere they do not take, any position requires a portfolio and work experience, which simply cannot be taken from anywhere.

In the incubator

◯  Practice comes first

We put the practical first
      training. This is the most effective way
    mastering knowledge and skills.

◯  Performing high-level tasks

Instead of studying theory, our students from the very first
days begin real, professional
tasks at the highest level of the film industry,
with which even the highest cinematography of the CIS countries
and Bollywood cannot be compared.

◯  Without several years of studying theory
         and investments of personal money

If new knowledge is needed to work on a project,
the student is trained at the DK FILMS Academy

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What is the incubator’s development perspective?

Our next step is to create a website and a mobile application that will function on the principle of a freelance marketplace like Fiverr, Freelancer and Upwork. The main difference from these sites is a unique remuneration system, where each specialist in the team, figuratively speaking, invests his salary in the project, receiving great benefits at the exit in case of its commercial success. In addition, each participant must undergo internal training according to our programs.


  At other freelance sites, specialists may not have the necessary level of qualifications, or they may be trained independently, each at a different school. Such factors can make it much more difficult to work on projects.


  Participants of our incubator:

they are trained according to the same system,
they are guaranteed to have certification
and possess the most important, key competencies of their profession.

Before entering the marketplace and becoming available to customers,
each DK FILMS specialist first proves his professionalism
in working on a variety of internal corporate projects.

How does the incubator work?

Consideration of the application

A request for access to our incubator is received from the producer of the new project. Reviewing an application is a mandatory process.  We only allow our specialists to work on projects that are interesting from
a creative point of view.

Such projects include:

Access to the incubator

After reviewing the application, access
to the incubator / marketplace is opened. The producer can
either choose a team on his own, studying
the resumes and portfolios of the participants, or leave
a request, and the specialists will contact him


Before using the marketplace, the customer
needs to familiarize themselves with the terms of cooperation,
which are automatically fixed after selecting
the project team. When all roles are approved, the incubator
acts as a guarantor of payments for all participants if
the project becomes commercially successful.

If the project becomes commercial in the future, then as payments are made to the project participants, the customer also pays a commission to the incubator.

Why is it beneficial to use an incubator rather than looking for specialists

a project without investment

This is the only opportunity to create
a project without investment
at the initial stage.

a safe deal

All conditions are transparent
and understandable, all parties are protected by the contract.


Creating a team in an incubator is a hundred times faster than individually recruiting each participant to the team.

The incubator specialists have most likely already worked together and are guaranteed to have the same level of training.

Filmmaking is such a long process that the standard for an independent film is 3-5 years from the beginning of writing the script to the moment of release.

There are a number of specialists in our incubator who have no experience of participating in long-term projects. This is due to the fact that they are still receiving education or have other jobs. Sometimes they participate in a project for a certain period of time and do not stay until it is completed.

It doesn’t cause any problems.

We have a lot of specialists in similar positions, and the replacement of the participant takes place within a day. This allows you to continue working on the project without delay, unlike searching for specialists outside the incubator, when it is extremely difficult to find a replacement when one of the participants leaves.

Since working on projects in an incubator is part of the educational process,
several specialists are often appointed to one position.

If one of them leaves, it does not cause
serious problems.


✕ Often, employees of other companies work for a salary, often do not want to engage in their profession or any project, but are forced to. Their motivation is not personal interest, portfolio replenishment, changing the world, and engagement suffers from this.


◯  The participants of the incubator work only on those projects that they have chosen themselves. They can freely switch between projects and positions. Any specialist does only what he really likes. Due to this, every person working inside the incubator is maximally involved in the workflow and does not need additional incentives, this removes most of the problems from the HR department and incredibly improves the efficiency of the entire group as a whole.

The main formula for a company’s success is when its employees
can and want to do their job!

Our incubator has the most motivated
specialists who have access to all means
for training, development and career growth.

Those who do not have a strong desire to realize
their potential and achieve results simply
have nothing to do here: the incubator concept independently
weeds out such people, by definition leaving only
those who are really interested.

The investor/ producer does not need to control all internal processes if there is a producer in the team who will take over this task, that is, provide a turnkey service.


Only here you can try different specialists in the same position. For example, you can involve ten people to create a poster and choose the option that you like the most.

It is beneficial for specialists

When searching for orders on their own, specialists may
face the fact that the customer will not pay the funds for
the work performed when the monetization of the project begins. Our participants receive legal
guarantees of payment for their work if the project makes a profit in the future.

Services provided
by the incubator

Incubator specialists can perform both small services
within a large project (creation of posters, presentations, installation of Reels)
and full project management (production of films, TV series, short
films on a turnkey basis).

At the moment, the incubator works mainly in the cinema.
Here is a list of the specialists we train:

Legal terms of cooperation
between the specialist and the customer.

By investing their efforts, the participants of the incubator act in the same way as investors with finances: as if the salary received is immediately contributed to the project. This means that if the project does start to make a profit, then the team and the producer receive a return on their “investments” in a larger amount than they invested.

The advantage of such conditions

Only by such a system can a producer assemble a team without having investors, making the team members themselves investors.

The system of remuneration
for performers

The contractor can choose for himself how his work will be paid. When the project starts making money, the performer will receive a percentage
of the profit or a salary in three times the amount.

Why such a system
Will it work?

Many companies in Silicon Valley were formed according to a similar system: employees worked for many years without receiving a salary and even investing their money in the project, hoping for its further commercial success. A number of these companies are currently the largest international corporations. The effectiveness of this system has been proven.In addition, there are projects that are obviously not aimed at making a profit. Their main goal may be, for example, to change the world, as in the case of our films.

Projects with a budget

If the customer already has a partial or full salary budget, the investor can make payments to several specialists or pay for the work of the entire team at once. Due to this, in the future you will not have to deduct a percentage or pay a salary in three times the amount. It is more profitable, but then the customer needs to have investments in advance, and in this case our incubator acts as a marketplace where it is possible to find qualified specialists.

What makes us unique?


There are either film projects with a large budget in the world, or student works without a budget. We are in the gap, combining professionalism and not
needing a lot of funding.

In addition, in the American film industry, the process of making films is very complicated. Trade unions, bureaucracy and high prices for services create obstacles that make projects more expensive than they could be: projects that can be rented for 300 thousand dollars are produced ten times
more expensive – for three million dollars. The reason for this is the absurd rules, laws and regulations that apply at the corporate, state and trade union levels.


Hollywood has long been the center of cinema, attracting the attention of the whole world with its bright films and talented specialists. However, in recent decades, the industry has developed so much that talent can be found all over the world.

Outsourcing work will significantly reduce costs and avoid the difficulties typical of the film industry in a particular country: our participants are dispersed around the world. At the same time, the skills of our specialists are not inferior to those of Hollywood.

Blue Ocean

The DKFILMS incubator has no analogues among competitors, since there are simply no other film incubators operating on a similar model. Due to the lack of competition, the conditions of the “blue ocean”, we have every chance to become one of the largest players in the global film industry: the concept allows us to realize this.

Why is it profitable
to invest in an incubator?

The incubator is already functioning successfully

We want to increase its scale.


Every day, new projects with Hollywood media personalities are added to the incubator’s portfolio.

Thanks to the extensive database of projects, it is becoming easier to attract celebrities, professionals and students. Perhaps at some point the number of people who want to join us will exceed our capabilities. And it’s starting to happen now. The incubator aims to expand the team of professionals and create new collaborations with the stars.

The incubator concept offers new approaches to creating
a variety of films and TV series that will simplify and speed
up the production process:

It will change the world. We believe that with our help, films will be created that will leave
a positive mark – inspiring change, changing the worldview, forming ideas, feelings and values
in people’s minds.